Kitchens of the Carini Castle
AUDIO GUIDE(choose your language)
Dear visitor, A ladder now leads you towards the kitchens.
Be careful of the steps!
Welcome to the hard-working center of the Castle. His Kitchens.
The two large wash houses, located under a stairwell and the rooms of some cooking areas, remain visible today, traceable by the presence of flues, on which the roasts, stuffed pastas, cakes, pies in crust were cooked, and the animals "as alive" (reassembled and covered in their plumage) decorated with gold or covered in colors.
In these rooms, every day, the service workers were busy preparing for the Baron, the Baroness and the princes.
True professionals of the table, and in the hierarchy the cook (often of humble origins), came after the carver, the bottle maker, the carver, roles usually held by people of high social class. The cook had to make the best recipes that were ordered to him, conforming to the tastes of the master or his illustrious guests, and to the rule that favored everything that was rare and expensive, in the name of the pomp and luxury that characterized the Baron's table . For the preparation of the banquets we made use of the collaboration of some of the most famous artists and artisans of the time, who transformed the meal into a real theatrical staging.
In this room you can admire some photos from the nearby Grotta dei Carburangeli, which I invite you to visit by contacting the Legambiente section of Carini.
I now invite you to continue your visit, climbing up the ladder at the end of the kitchen rooms, and reaching the living rooms of the Castle.